You Cannot Miss These 10 Failures Of Bollywood In Trying To Copy Hollywood!


Plagiarism, another name to copy is something which is quite common nowadays, no matter whether it is about some article, a song or maybe a movie. In fact, there are so many Bollywood movies nowadays where the concept is either based on some other movie from Hollywood or some novel which most of the people already know about.

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hollywood copy in the name of bollywood failures

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And there is not really anything wrong about this as everyone on this earth needs an inspiration from some other source to do better. But is this only the inspiration which Bollywood is taking in here? Or is this something which can also be considered as to copy someone? Well, obviously, it can be! Though, there are sometimes when even making a copy out of something also comes out with good results, but every time? I doubt it! And these Bollywood failures here would make you doubt it too.

Here are some of the hilarious results, also which can be said as those Bollywood failures, which this act of plagiarizing or making a copy resulted into. Now, let’s have a look at these 15 posters provided below:

1. We know Harry Potter but from Bollywood! Do we?
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Aabra Ka Daabra is actually the movie which was another version of Harry Potter and released in 2004. The whole of the story was almost same with faces swapped into Bollywood stars. But the whole of the hard work or smart work or maybe a copy work went in vain by scoring only 2.6/10 IMDb ratings and not entertaining people at the really good rate. Okay, you can consider this as one of those biggest Bollywood failures.

2. Get Mallika also added to the list!
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“Hiss” was the movie which didn’t really went well, but about the poster? Well, it was truly dazzling! But, you should know that like many other things this poster was also a copy from Hollywood.

3. When Superman and Spider “Woman” fell in love!
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What if Hollywood couldn’t get these two superheroes together, Bollywood just made everything easy by making them fall in love with each other. And your surprised face there is quite valid; Superman himself is not looking satisfied with this deadly combination. I wonder, how they every time come up with such great Bollywood failures.

4. Wedding Bells!
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Forget about the concept, it looks like the director and producers team didn’t even have a little bit of time to bother about changing the name of movie. All they did was, not copy the title but getting it translated from English to Hindi! Such Laziness!

5. Even the love stories!
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We know this movie starring the real life couple, Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan which was at the end resulted in getting not that good a review from anyone. Well, there cannot be anything good than watching the original make of this movie, named as “A walk in the clouds” which was released in 1995.

6. Horror being copied
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Phoonk is one of those movies which was trolled by media on not having any kind of horrifying features within. In fact, even the posters presented in here can conclude about how different these movies must have been from each other. And also about which would have been better among both of them.

7. Such a copy cat!
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Phantom is one of those movies which somehow gave people a food for thought, but talking about its poster. Well, there is something which can make the reputation go bad, and that is the poster for this movie was copied from the well-known video game, “Homefront”.

8. And you won’t deny to this!  
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So, this is about “Mausam”, 2011 movie starring Sonam Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor! The poster presented above depicts about how it is been copied from the very famous romantic movie “Titanic”.

9. Oh, how can you forget your very own “Ra.One”!
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It is been said that it was this movie’s poster which made many of the people out there get excited about watching the movie. But, what if you get to know that this poster is being copied from your own Batman? It hurts!

10. Count the Villain too!
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Everyone, literally everyone knows about this famous villain, Heath Ledger and so it is also important in here to know that this most admired villain is also been copied once. Bollywood, in order to add one more Bollywood failures into the list, tried the same with a famous SONY TV show, CID. Well, results are quite visible in here itself.

You can also consider these as but annoying rather than counting these Bollywood failures, hilarious in here. I mean, it would be really good if you start using a bit of your own mind, while copying too, No? These are though only a few of those various examples which can be seen almost every day making their way by copying Hollywood. No doubt, Bollywood also has come up with many of the amazing movies but Bollywood failures like these actually make it quite valid a point of how it is really important to be original.


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