15 Struggles of Every Girl in Indian Society


15 Struggles of Every Girl in Indian Society

We are the citizens of a country where a woman is prayed and also preyed. We live in a society where she is respected by all in temples and teased and tortured for being a girl at the back. Sometimes these torturers are parents who don’t wish to give birth to a girl and even if she is born she is tortured by others in the Indian Society.

From all the levels in the life, she is told by everyone what to do, what to become, whom to marry and so on. But this is never asked by her that what do you want to do? Where do you want to be? What is your goal? Whom do you want to marry? Does someone ask this? NO! She is always being in the list of everyone to criticize her if she wishes to live the life the way she wants to. And by chance, if she is a stubborn and firm on her decisions about how to live then, she is boycotted. She is left alone by everyone who was someone close to her once.

Doesn’t it feel like preyed and victimized around wherever we tend to go? Doesn’t it feel like millions of eyes are slaughtering and raping through eyes? Feels like being teased to be a girl when we don’t even know what our fault is. Is our skirt too short or is it our makeup that we wear? What’s tempting you? Is it the fact that I am bold and happy to live my life my way or the tendency of yours to judge a girl no matter whatever she does?

15 Struggles of Woman in Indian Society:

1. To even be born. Half of the population abort the girl child even today in the 21st century because they have this mindset that boy can run the family much better.

Every Indian Girl in Indian Society

2. Now when you are born. It’s lucky for you if you are studying or your parents support you for education.

Every Indian Girl in Indian Society

3. If you are studying. Are you respected by others or teased? Are boys following you when you go out of the school and are you secured? Well, we all know the answer.

Every Indian Girl in Indian Society

4. It is the highly challenging phase of life to choose the stream in higher education of our choice because we all end up in plans made by others. Right!Every Indian Girl in Indian Society

5. Support for higher education! “What will you do studying so much? You just have to manage the home.” WTF!

Every Indian Girl in Indian Society


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