Google Saved A Girl’s Life, By Being That Really Good Friend Which She Never Imagined About!


Technology has always been that great known saviour nowadays for every one of us. No matter what the problem is, there is always one solution waiting for you in the form of technology. Well, now you don’t really need to run to someone, because your friend, your teacher, your guide, your helping hand is already sitting there at your home, for every second. You guessed right, I am talking about Google, the only constant companion for life which can bring the best solution out in everything. Not only this, Google also made it possible for us to get our precious time saved! Correct!?

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Google saved life

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Now, you always must have heard and experienced Google solving your every minor to the major problem in just the slightest amount of seconds. But have you ever in your whole life experience heard of Google sharing some real uncommon problem!? Well, yes it did!

Google saved life

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You would actually be surprised to know that Google saved a girl’s life! Okay, I can understand that confusing look there on your face, or might be some of you must be just considering it as another fake thing. But, it is too much true to be considered as fake! Now, the question that comes up in here is that how did this actually happen!? Well, here’s the answer to your query!

Google saved life

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So, this story is about that 24 years old girl who, being in that worst condition of depression and trauma, was looking forward to ending her life. Reason behind which was believed to be her boyfriend, who left her, after being forced by his parents as he was now into that safe government job thing.
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Well, anyone would at this time think of ending their life, so basically she was no exception. So, in this desperation of hers to commit suicide she decided to jump off Yamuna Canal. This is said to be at the distance of 4km from Saharanpur.
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And it was right before jumping when she decided to surf Google and find some easier way to commit suicide.
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As she finally fired her query for “How to commit suicide” on a search engine, Google, just like any other friend, brought over “Suicide helpline numbers” to her instead of presenting any of those ways to end life.
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