Illustrations That Clearly Show The 6 Stages Of Sleeping With Partner


Sharing the bed with your partner is the maximum amount of intimacy you can reach in a relationship. Sleeping alone makes you feel really lonely and it is always better to have someone by your side. On the other hand, no matter how romantic it might seem initially, after some time a lot of problems occur. Your partner might be snoring very loudly or even moving around the bed very often, thus making you uncomfortable. Then comes a time when you no longer want to even sleep with that person but you would have to.


Initially, you would love to cuddle with your partner to sleep until it gets boring.


Like almost everything in a relationship, the way you share the bed also signifies a lot of things.


Signs of affection are shown during the first few days but a lot of things change later on in life.


This change of mood/mindset is really very funny and is exactly illustrated by Jacob Andrews. The illustrations are really funny, relatable and cute at the same time. Here are the six stages illustrated by Jacob Andrews:


Source : Jacob Andrews, CollegeHumor


Stage 1:

stages of sleeping

This stage is often referred to as the ‘golden time’ or the honeymoon period. Cuddling is the most important thing you do and it would feel as if there is no other place as comfortable as the arms of your partner. Overall, you would feel really happy and would not want the moment to go away.

Stage 2:

stages of sleeping

This is the stage when things start getting uneasy. You both will be covered with sweat and would no longer want to be so close.

Stage 3:

stages of sleeping

Maintaining the perfect distance becomes impossible for some reason. Your partner would be sleeping either too far from you or too close.

Stage 4:

stages of sleeping

This is when you would realise how weird your partner can be, after they have slept.

Stage 5:

stages of sleeping

You would come across many sleeping habits of your partner that would make you hate sleeping with him/her

Stage 6:

stages of sleeping

You would finally understand why sleeping alone is the most comfortable thing. But for how long? You would feel lonely very soon.


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