Pictures That Are Amusing Only Because They Were Taken At The Right Time


There are many pictures on the Internet that are really funny to look at for various different reasons. Some of them might have a good context while some of them might be very simple but relatable. On the other hand, there is another genre of picture that can make people laugh and get amused at the same time. These are the pictures that when clicked at the right time in the right place.

Here is a list of pictures that were taken at the absolute right time making it amusing:

1. The Splash

photos clicked at the right time


This is not actually very funny but really amusing. I mean the timing of this picture is absolutely perfect and there is nothing you can complain about.

2. Pattern

photos clicked at the right time


The pattern of the butterfly’s wings seem like the eyes of the girl and looks absolutely hilarious.

3. The Dog

photos clicked at the right time


Well, what a timing. The dog also perfectly placed himself/herself in front of the photograph.

4. Lightning

photos clicked at the right time


It seems as if the lightning fell directly into the torch that the Statue of Liberty is holding up using his right hand.

5. Horse-Woman?

photos clicked at the right time


No, she is not a woman with the face of a horse. The horse is just covering her face when the picture was clicked, thus making it look that way.

6. Incredible

photos clicked at the right time


This picture was clicked at such a right time that no level of appreciation is enough.

7. Animal Illusion

photos clicked at the right time


This picture totally proves that if you click things at the right time, the first glance can fool majority of the audience.

8. Funny

photos clicked at the right time


This was deliberately made funny and we have to admit that it actually is. Look at how the parrot is looking.

9. Long Dog

photos clicked at the right time


Is this actually the longest dog in the world?

10. That’s A Mirror

photos clicked at the right time


I got completely fooled by this picture before I realised it’s a mirror. This picture was clicked at the right time in the right place.


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