These Illustrations Will Prove There Are Two Kinds Of People Around The World


No matter what the category is or according to what you are judging, there are always two kinds of people. Even if we consider some very simple day to day activities, the difference in the choices people make divides us into two kinds. Jao Rocha, an art director from Lisbon, Portugal has created a brilliant set of illustrations in Tumblr called “Two Kinds Of People” which is lately going viral on the Internet. These illustrations show how much little decisions can differ us from somebody else.

“There are only two kinds of people in this world, those that find this blog hilarious and those that have no sense of humor whatsoever,” wrote Rocha on his blog before starting off with the awesomely presented illustrations. The way he wrote this blog playfully makes it more interesting to read.

These are the illustrations from Rocha’s blog on Tumblr differentiating people into two kinds:

1. This is so relatable that I can’t explain. On the left side is the person who is confident enough to wake up on the first alarm and on the other is the person who requires at least three.

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2. The person who is precise even with eating chocolates vs the person who can’t control his/her emotions when it comes to chocolates.

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3. The practice illustrated on the right side of this picture is when you are too lazy to even have a proper bookmark. Or maybe, you are so much around messy things that you cannot afford to possess one more equipment. After all, it will be laying around somewhere among your messy stuff, the next day.

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4. You know you can even differentiate people taking into consideration how they cut their bread into half. Yeah.

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5. Social vs Introvert

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6. For me, over the head headphones are very irritating. So I definitely belong to the left kind of people.

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7. Somebody who can directly access the apps vs somebody who likes to keep an organised home screen.

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8. This is one of my favourite illustrations so far. It is completely relatable and I belong to the left group, by the way.

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9. Somebody who doesn’t care enough to give his right birthday everywhere vs somebody who is precise enough with the information being given.

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10. Haha. This is so true. Why do people even open different windows when you can open separate tabs.

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11. Analog vs Digital watch. Which one do you prefer?

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12. It completely depends on the preference. Computer or Laptop, your choice.

illustrations showing two kinds of people

More info : Tumblr, Twitter, modernmet, demilked


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