17 Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays


Holidays come once in a big year and its the time of the year when everyone celebrates happiness and gushes over presents. For kids, Christmas means more, because they get to see their entire family, and get a lot of presents, but what happiness will they enjoy when they have divorced parents, which makes them see Christmas as a period of frustration and tension, thinking about making complex choices and their increasing self-responsibilities. The charm of holidays gets lost to them, and they think of holidays as a chore or a burden because of those disgust feelings and choices they have to make. It might make them get more Christmas presents but a mature mind understands, it feels very gloomy.

Read More: 13 Things That Only Children Of Divorced Parents Can Relate To

Some kids of divorced parents had some confessions on Whisper to make about their disgust during the holidays, and it’s heartbreaking!

1. Choice of choosing a parent’s place during the holidays.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

2. Best time of the year turned worse.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

3. Fights of divorced parents leave kids in the middle of nowhere.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

4. Holidays, with disgust and awkwardness.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

5. No matter how many parties you attend, the one with them together is the best.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

6. Divorce making kids hate happiness.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

7. Vehemence for holidays, LOST.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

8. Nothing can get you the happiness of a family, justified, again.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

9. The holiday spirit, killed by divorce.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

10. The “up” can never outshine the “down”, because of the inner sadness.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

11. A thought holiday, destroyed by divorce.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

12. They wish Santa had come a little earlier that day.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

13. Increasing self-responsibilities comes along divorced parents.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

14. Divorce hurts because it steals away a loved one.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

15. Hatred wins over holidays, thanks to divorce.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

16. The feeling of disgust when you hate it all, because of divorced parents.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

17. It isn’t pampering, it’s a total clumsy feeling.

Kids Share How They Really Feel About Their Divorced Parents During The Holidays

Marriage is considered to be an ultimate bond in many religions, and many end up pretty successful, but some get tangled with a lot of complications in the period of time, and because of these complications, not all marriages end up successfully and people get divorced. The case is worse for the kids, conceived by the people who got divorced, with a scar of losing love of one biological parent and they are awfully bewildered, because they want to spend holidays with their divorced parents, who don’t live together and sometimes they have to pick sides or sometimes make some complex choices that are dis-satisfactory for the kids.


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