12 Times When Kids Took Instructions Too Literally


Usually, kids are not at all familiar with the scope of language such as metaphors, allusions, so on and so forth. That is the reason why kids most of the time and up in travels with the instructions given to them. They take everything literally including the things which were never supposed to be taken literally. Kids are innocent, so you can’t blame them. The person on the other side should give them instructions which would not cause trouble at all, even if they take it literally.


There are many incidents where the innocence of the kids make us laugh out loud. Well, kids who take instructions literally also fall under the category of innocent and the incidents are absolutely hilarious. With that being said, let’s take a look at 12 kids who took instructions so literally that it made the situation hilarious.

1. Dad said “keep your eye on the ball son” and this is what he did. After all, that is exactly what it meant literally, right? The dad’s reaction is dope, though.

Kids taking instructions literally

2. Nobody mentioned the first letter, did they? According to the instruction, the kid is absolutely right. This 6 years old boy is autistic and takes instructions very literally.

Kids taking instructions literally
3. Kids are so innocent that it makes them cuter. His parents must have told him that he could watch puppy training tips on YouTube but I am sure they did not mean this, at all.

Kids taking instructions literally
4. This 3-year-old baby asked why new years is so special. She was answered that it is because all of us get to toast on new years and the exact hour later, she said if it’s time already to make toasts. Well, now it’s a tradition.

Kids taking instructions literally
5. When you say your child to just eat half of the grapes.

Kids taking instructions literally
6. This is what happens when you tell your kids to feed the cat and this is relatable.

Kids taking instructions literally
7. The teacher said “fish”. Why not bring a big fish and become the odd one out.

Kids taking instructions literally
8. He was told he couldn’t go outside so literally, he didn’t go outside totally. Kids don’t break instructions, right?

Kids taking instructions literally
9. Told son to go outside and play without playing games on the laptop, indoor. You can see, what he did.

Kids taking instructions literally
10. What are the instructions you give to your kids when you take them to the Modern Art Museum? To look at everything and understand the art, right? And then, this happens when he takes it literally

Kids taking instructions literally
11. The comic characters think like this, so he isn’t incorrect completely.

Kids taking instructions literally
12. When you have to draw hands on the clock but you know about only one kind of hand.

Kids taking instructions literally


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