A Mother Becomes Pregnant With Her Son’s Baby For Him And His Wife


It is a dream of every couple to have a baby of their own and start a new family. Well, it is a harsh truth that some of the people cannot have a baby normally for whatsoever reason. Getting pregnant can be a struggle for some people. What is supposed to be done then? This story is about that.

Kayla and Cody is one such couple who were desperate to have a child but there has been many obstacles in their way. What they did to tackle those obstacles is what makes the story very special.

Source : YouTube, Helms Photography, Viral Thread

Actually, when Kayla was just 17 years old, you have to go through a partial hysterectomy. There was a tumor in her uterus and the only way she could get rid of it completely was through this process. Naturally, if a girl has to go through partial hysterectomy, she would not be able to get pregnant and have children.

mom gets pregnant for son's baby


After they decided to have a baby, she consulted some doctors to find a way somehow.

mom gets pregnant for son's baby

The only process that doctors could suggest was gestational surrogacy.

mom gets pregnant for son's baby

After listening to all these things, they went forward and started finding a potential surrogate mother who would get pregnant for her.

mom gets pregnant for son's baby

Due to many factors, they were not able to find one which was heartbreaking for both of them.

mom gets pregnant for son's baby

After looking at such a condition of her son and her daughter-in-law, Cody’s mother ‘Patty’ realised that the only way out was to become the surrogate mother of the couple and get pregnant.

mom gets pregnant for son's baby

It was really special for Patty to have carried her grandchild in her womb.

mom gets pregnant for son's baby

In March 2017, a fertilized embryo was transferred into Patty’s body and the journey began ever since.

mom gets pregnant for son's baby

Being pregnant and carrying a baby over 35 years of age is risky and Patty was almost 50 at that time. A lot of extra care had to be taken.

mom gets pregnant for son's baby

Kayla feels really blessed to have such a good-hearted mother-in-law and thanks God daily.

mom gets pregnant for son's baby

30 December 2017 was when the baby was finally born and was named ‘Kross Allen Jones’


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