NASA Will Announce Soon About Discovery Of Alien Life, Says Hacktivist Group ‘Anonymous’


Do you think there is an alien life existing somewhere in our Solar system? It’s a very interesting subject because, since the mid-20th century, there has been an ongoing discovery for signs of extraterrestrial life. Over the years, many science fiction movies and novels have influenced public interest and perspectives of an alien life existing. Although NASA along with many scientists believe alien life does exist in some form, there is yet no evidence of its existence.

NASA discovery alien life


A hacktivist group called ‘Anonymous’ has recently released a viral video, claiming that NASA is about to announce that they have found the existence of alien life. Though it may be hard to digest this discovery news, people don’t mind it to be the topic of discussion, till truth prevails.

NASA discovery alien life


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Let us find out a little more, about this discovery of alien life by NASA as this Anonymous group claims.

1. Big Bang

Life began shortly after the Big Bang, 13.8 billion years ago, during a habitable epoch when life at that time may have emerged independently at many places throughout the galaxy according to the scientists, who have argued the idea that the most likely places to find life are in the habitable zones around the stars. There could be almost 40 billion Earth-sized planets orbiting in the habitable zones, based on Kepler space mission data,

NASA discovery alien life


2. Planet Of Life

This is what a researcher had to say.”If life arose relatively quickly on Earth, then it could be common in the universe.” On the other hand, scientists have also identified places in the Solar System such as Jupiter’s moon Europa that has the potential to support life. Missions to these places in the near future may find some form of life.

NASA discovery alien life


3. Winston Churchill Views

Churchill was a science enthusiast and an advocate and he also scrutinized some important scientific questions and expressed that Mars and Venus are the only places in the Solar System other than Earth that could harbor life. He eliminated the outer planets being too cold with Mercury being too hot on the sunny side and too cold on the other side, whereas the Moon and asteroids whose gravities are too weak to trap atmospheres. He writes that life can survive only in regions, between a few degrees of frost and the boiling point of water.

NASA discovery alien life


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4. NASA’s Discovery

NASA recently discovered 219 new planets out of which 10 are supposed to be existing in the habitable zone of our solar system. The only thing they need to focus is whether there is any presence of water in these planets. Since life on earth requires water as its solvent, based on this theory, alien life could definitely exist there too.

NASA discovery alien life



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