12 Best Natural Methods to Make Your Home Smell Good.


Home is that one and only place, where every one of us ends up after working over the whole long hectic day. Basically, we all look up to our home as that good medium to shoo away the stress.But what if, while entering your house, all you get to experience is that nasty weird smell which might be coming from your child leftover or anything else! Quite enough to make you go annoyed, No? Obviously, it is!

But what if, while entering your house, all you get to experience is that nasty weird smell which might be coming from your child’s leftover or anything else! Pretty much to make you annoyed, No? Obviously, it is!

So, what is the solution? Actually, there are many of them! But the one, that people at the most relies on is something natural, so that which cannot in any way result in a negative output. Now, the question that arises in here is, what are those best of the natural methods which can prove out to be useful in making our home smell good?

Well, here are some of the methods to make your home smell good, the most effective ones.

1. Pine with essential oil: When it is about making your home smell good, no one can really ignore the necessity of this essential oil. And this combination of oil with pine cones is just that deadly one to make the decoration and fragrance of your home glow.

Good home smell


2. Water with Cinnamon and Orange: This is another one in the list of deadly combinations which can make your home feel good and nothing less than a heaven on earth. All you got to do is take some water and with some slices of orange add cinnamon into it.

Good home smell

3. A spray of essential oil: Though, there are many other room fresheners, which people can find in markets. But in this case, all you got to do is add 3-4 drops of essential oil in a spray bottle already filled with water and make it all good.

Good home smell 


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