New Facebook Feature Will Allow You To Unsend A Message


I am sure you must have at least once in your life sent a message and later regretted it. Till very recent times, there was nothing that could be done to a sent message. However, Facebook has come up with a new feature that will allow you to remove a message after you send it. After all, everyone deserves a second chance. That drunk text you an ex, desperate message to your crush can now be undone without actually traveling in time. The new Facebook feature is currently launched via the messenger app. It will give you permission to delete any message within 10 minutes after being sent.


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When you tap on a message, you get two options. One is to remove a message for yourself and the other is to remove for everyone. Everyone will get the message saying that you have removed the text. Although the time provided to delete a message is very little, it is still a relief that you will actually be able to do so.



As other applications by Facebook (viz. Whatsapp and Instagram) have already introduced this feature, people were eagerly waiting for Messenger to introduce the unsend feature too. Both Instagram and Whatsapp give you more time to delete a message. Whatsapp gives you an hour whereas, for Instagram, there is no time limit. Well, we cannot complain as something is better than nothing.


The messenger app did some tests in the month of October. It has been trying to introduce the feature since the month of April.



The feature is finally here and the Facebook users from all over the cannot be more thankful. Kudos Facebook!



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