14 Obvious Signs That Prove You Have A Crazy Girlfriend


Does your girlfriend acts insane that prove she is crazy? Do you have a crazy girlfriend? If she shows some signs of craziness then it may be fine as it keeps the relationship fun and exciting. If your girlfriend is somewhat goofy, slightly eccentric, or mildly OCD, these traits may be viewed as endearing and more often than not overlooked, especially when in love. When her behavior begins to affect either of your lives in a negative manner it’s time to take a step back and re-evaluate whether or not it is a good idea to continue the relationship.

Read More: 18 Jealous Texts From Ex-Girlfriends That Will Prove That Jealousy Knows No Bounds!

If you aren’t quite certain whether or not she’s showing signs of crazy girlfriends, read through the following signs that prove if you have a crazy girlfriend. How many of these signs does your girl possess?

1.Attention Seeker
Everyone wants attention, but if she takes it to an obsessive level, it may be time to say goodbye. For instance, if she constantly demands you break plans with friends or family to spend time sitting on the couch with her. She frequently turns to crying and lying to get your undivided attention, there’s a good chance you have a crazy girlfriend.

signs prove crazy girlfriend


2.Mood Swings
You admire her for her zest for life and her radiating positivity, but suddenly she is a tearful mess or losing her patience and screaming over obviously trivial matters. When she have extreme mood swings you can assure yourself that you are not a healthy relationship. It would be best for you if you free yourself from that environment. This will prove that you have a crazy girlfriend.

signs prove crazy girlfriend


3.She’s a professional at twisting her words.
If you have to sit down and think about every single thing you say before you say it to try and prevent her from twisting it around, there might be a problem. Especially if she adds her exaggerations to what you said and repeat it to you is a prove that you need to get rid of her.

signs prove crazy girlfriend



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