Here’s What People 100 Years Ago Thought Life Would Be Like Today


Ever cared to wonder what people 100 years ago would have thought about life today? Well, you will be shocked to know that they have pretty much thought of everything that has been invented today.

So here are things people 100 years ago predicted about the life would be like today.

1. Knowledge is beamed directly into children’s heads via headsets at school

people 100 years ago thought


It was thought that children will learn from hearing through technology. And teachers and labour would not be needed.

2. Barbers serve multiple clients at once using a single machine

people 100 years ago thought


People 100 years ago would not be aware of the consciousness people have now a days. They can’t let machines ruin their haircut or get blades near them which is also highly dangerous.

3. Flying taxis dot the city skies

people 100 years ago thought


It gives a new meaning to traffic control. And life would become much more easier than today. People will get rid of all the traffic and expensive airplane tickets.

4. Flying firefighters can easily fight fires on any floor

people 100 years ago thought


Well, we have achieved this already. Firefighters are working quite efficiently against natural disasters and helping people as much as possible.

5. Flying policemen chase after serial criminal

people 100 years ago thought


It is a good way of finishing crime and evil from the world. But for this we have a long way to go. Also criminals can also come up with modern criminal techniques which can become a problem for society. 


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