People Talk About Their Chilling Paranormal Experiences.


Have you ever heard a sick and twisted dream? A dream in which you were sure you were being targeted by a ghost. Or hearing voices where there wasn’t supposed to be one? Then you are not alone. These chilling paranormal experiences can be relatable to you.

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1. The Chilling Case Of The White Hand. 

chilling paranormal experiences


“I grew up in rural Minnesota and, because we were teenagers and it’s easier to trespass at night when you live in a small town and all your neighbors know you, my brother and cousins and I drove to an old barn when it was dark. My cousins were too scared so they stayed in the car, but my brother and I went inside. I was standing near an old water trough and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I said, “Ben, I told you not to try to scare me.” And from way across the barn I heard Ben say, “I wasn’t.” And out of the corner of my eye I saw a white hand, clear as day, on my left shoulder. I started screaming and we both ran back to the car and drove away as fast as we could.”

2. Chilling Paranormal Experiences That Made The Doctor Give Up The Case. 

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“I am a mental health therapist. “One of my schizophrenic clients said he was seeing a girl in his room and he said she was talking to him. We believed it to be a hallucination, as he was living alone. The doctor I was with decided to challenge his delusion and had him take a picture of her so we could ‘meet her. During, the next visit…he brought a picture. And yes, she was there. To our astonishment and horror there was a picture of him on the couch with a strange creamy, ghost like image of a girl hovering behind him…shrouding him in white like wings or hair…very light in color, but subtle shimmering image! What was eerie was seeing him sitting on the couch with his head down, very depressed looking. She was literally haunting him. All our jaws hit the floor. You could hear a pin drop. Everyone examined the picture…and we could tell it was real. Dude was very low-functioning and could not have ‘shopped it. Shit got real. WE were haunted. The doctor in utter amazement knew medication wouldn’t treat this and said, “I can’t help you with this…you are going to need to see your clergy for this.”

3. She’s Gone Now. That’s So Chilling! 

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“On the night my mother died, at about 7pm her VERY old grandfather (about 99) was getting ready for bed in a nursing home about 200 miles away. He was just about to get into bed when he stopped and said he couldnt because ‘Trish was in it’ and sat patiently in his bedside chair. At about ten past seven he smiled and said, “She’s gone now” and got into bed. This was witnessed by an aunt. I wonder if, when people die, they dont give out some kind of final communication? I was with my mum as she died but she didnt speak to me though, so who knows?”

4. Oh Shit That’s Chilling! Paranormal Experiences Involving Dolls Are The Worst! 

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“One time I woke up hearing my sister’s doll say “lets play”, but I blew it off. I thought maybe my dog stepped on the doll’s hand and that’s why I heard it. So I turned to my opposite side and woke up a few minutes later and saw a dark shadow at the foot of my bed, and when I tried to focus to see if it was my brother or mom, my bed started to shake. I literally covered my head with my blankets and told my mom the next morning. She proceeded to place holy water next to my bed and it never happened again.”

5. The Chilling Case Of The Shadow People With Glowing Eyes. Many People Share These Paranormal Experiences. 

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“I still remember this clear as day. When I was 3 I got up in the middle of the night to sleep in my mom’s bed. As I crawled in next to her I looked towards the foot of her bed. There stood the silhouettes of two grown men. One had glowing red eyes and the other had glowing yellow eyes; both just stood there and stared at me. I assumed I was seeing things and rubbed my eyes repeatedly, but they were still there. I begged my mom to wake up and look, but she kept her eyes closed and kept telling me it was just a dream. She remembers this too: She says at first she was just groggy and really thought I was dreaming, but after I kept waking her up she realized how serious I was and was too afraid to look. Finally in sheer terror I got up and ran back to my bedroom. Years later we looked it up…apparently these are a commonly seen paranormal entity known as “shadow people.” Silhouettes with glowing red or yellow eyes. Still chills my mom and I to the bone.”

6. Run As Fast As You Can! Chilling Paranormal Experiences Indeed! 

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“When visiting my sister’s college, she sent me into the theater to get some stuff for her. It was after dark and the building was locked, but she lent me her keys. Now, she’d told me that the place had a reputation for being haunted, but being the skeptic I am, I took the keys and hustled off without a second thought. I let myself in, headed to the closet she said her stuff was in, and someone walked up behind me. No kidding, I could hear the footsteps, feel the floorboards move and hear them creak. Heck, I could even hear the rustle of fabric moving. And there was just that indefinable sense of there being someone else there; you know, how you can tell when someone’s walked into a room even if you didn’t really see or hear them? Yeah, well, I turned around fully expecting to have to explain why I was in a locked building after hours…..and there was no one there. After I shat myself, I started singing at the top of my lungs (to mask the now ominous silence), grabbed my sister’s stuff and bolted out of the building. My sister apologized for days. And I never went into that building alone again, day or night.”

7. Chilling Paranormal Experiences Number 7.

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One time, I was lying in bed and it was about 1am. I heard someone walking down the hallway right outside my room and then my door started to creak open. I thought it was my stepfather, since he usually messes with me like that, and the door stopped after a couple of inches. Through the crack, I could see an eye staring right back at me. I shouted to him that I could see him and I thought at that point he would give up messing with me. After that, the door slammed shut and there were loud footsteps down the hall, the opposite way of my parents’ room. When I went out in the hall to see why he was acting so weird, I saw my parents’ door was closed and my parents were dead asleep. When I asked about it in the morning, they checked the cameras we kept in the hall and the data from the night before was completely corrupted.

8. Sweet Dreams Chilling Paranormal Experiences Are Made Of This. 

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“When I was about 12 years old I had a dream shortly before Halloween. In the dream I was out trick-or-treating on Halloween night. I was in this overgrown woodsy area in my neighborhood running away from a house a couple of blocks away from where I lived. I realized that I was running from the ghost of a woman when I saw her come flying toward me. I woke up in a cold sweat. That December I found out that the house that I had been running from in the dream belonged to an older woman. She lived alone and didn’t have any family in the area. A friend of my mother’s was delivering Christmas cookies and found her dead in the house. They estimated that she had been there since about August. I don’t actually believe in ghosts, but it was very strange.”

9. Paranormal Experiences That Scar You For Life. 

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“When I was about 13 or 14 I lived in a normal block house in a suburban neighborhood with my family. We were told by the previous tenant that her husband had died in the house, but we weren’t told specifically where. One night after I turned the lights off to go to sleep, I heard a loud rustling noise and then a BANG that caused me to jump up and turn the lights on. Everyone in the house heard it and ran into the hallway to see if I was okay. As I looked into my room to see what the noise was, I saw my jewelry box (which had a set of doors on the front which latched shut) fully open with all the drawers hanging open. I threw that thing in the closet so quick and never pulled it out to use again. I still heard things in that house. One night I was watching something funny on TV in my room and heard a man (seemingly sitting right next to me) laugh in my ear as clear as day. It wasn’t from the TV.”

10. Ghost Busters Anyone? I’m Sure This Couple Has More Paranormal Experiences To Share. 

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“I went ghost hunting with my ex-boyfriend and two of his friends at the West Virginia State Prison last summer. We were on the solitary floor, in the cell of one of the most brutal killers the prison held. My ex was holding a tape recorder and I was holding an EMF detector, which only seemed to light up when I asked the questions. My friend asked the ghost, “Do you like the pretty girl who’s asking you the questions?” and the EMF detector flashed bright red for a few seconds. After a few more minutes of questioning, we asked the spirit if it wanted us to leave. Once we left the cell we replayed the tape recorder and after the question about us leaving was posed, you could hear a faint “yeah, good night.”

11. Uncle Joe Is A Regular Visitor And His Demeanour Is Chilling! 

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“My brother Joel was killed in an ATV accident a little over four years ago. My daughter has just turned three. She kept waking up in the middle of the night and coming into my room. When I would take her back to bed and ask her why she was getting up, she would reply, ‘The guy in my room.’ She would always point to the corner that her dresser was in, and swore there was a ‘guy in her room.’ Tt wasnt long after that that she was always talking about Uncle Joe…shes never met him…..really weird!”

12. Yikes! This Is Worse Than A Bad Mother-In-Law! Imagine Having Chilling Paranormal Experiences Such As These! 

chilling paranormal experiences


When I was still dating my wife we visited her parents’ house that was built next to the old family home from the early 1800s here in Sweden. I was walking by it one evening when I felt as if someone was watching me. I looked up into this old abandoned house and saw this old woman looking at me from the second-story window, hair pulled back, angry eyes, dark dress and white apron, really short and her eyes following me. I looked at her for, like, two seconds and then hurried back into the house and told everybody what I’d seen and they were like “Oh yeah, that’s Olga. She likes to keep tabs on things.” They showed me a picture and, yep, that was her. The matriarch of the family who the farm and road was named after – my wife’s dead great-great-great-aunt.


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