People Are Losing Their Shit Over This Viral Riddle! Can You Solve It?


This exact riddle is making people go crazy! One of the most viral riddles of all time and not like your ordinary ‘Are you the next Einstein?’ riddle. We bet even your class’ smartest person will have trouble solving this but here we are giving you the answer with the explanation so that you can brag and be the real Einstein of your class.


Wanna try it for yourself? Here are some tips which will help you…

Hexagon + Hexagaon + Hexagon = 45
Bananas + Bananas + Hexagon = 23
Bananas + Clock + Clock =  10
Clock + Bananas + Bananas x Hexagon = ??

Think Logically and try to find the value!

Tips :
1. Look closely at the clock.
2. Number of Bananas.
3. Some thing regarding the sides of the Shapes figure.

Hint: Look Closely at the picture and try to logically relate the values for each item.

Too tough? Don’t worry! Click below and wonder about the riddle.



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Let’s Get Started with this viral riddle:
First, it is important to notice the shapes in the final line are different from the shapes in the previous lines. The clock shows 2 o’clock instead of 3 o’clock; there are 3 bananas in the bunch versus 4 bananas in a bunch, and the shape has 11 edges (it’s missing the square) compared to the shape with 15 edges.

banana riddle

First, let us solve for the value of the edges in the shape. We know 3 of the shapes equal 45, so a single shape equals 15. But each of the shapes consists of a hexagon (6 edges), Pentagon (5 edges), and a square (4 edges). Altogether that is 15 edges equal to 15, so a single edge equals 1.

clock riddle

Now we solve for the value of a banana. We know 2 bunches of 4 plus the shape (equal to 15) equals 23. This means 2 bunches of 4 bananas equals 8. Hence a bunch of 4 bananas equals 4, so a single banana equals 1.

banana riddle

We now have a bunch of 4 bananas (equal to 4) plus 2 clocks that show 3 o’clock equal to 10. This means 2 clocks showing 3 o’clock equal 6, so a single clock at 3 o’clock equals 3. Hence each hour of time equals 1.

pentagon riddle

We can now solve for the value of the final expression of ths viral riddle. The clock shows 2 o’clock, so that value is 2. Then there are 3 bananas to each bunch. Finally, the shape has 11 edges (it’s missing the square), so its value is 11.

banana riddle

We need to evaluate:

2 + 3 + 3 × 11

The last thing to remember is the order of operations. The multiplication takes precedence and is evaluated first to be 33. So we have:

2 + 3 + 3 × 11
= 2 + 3 + 33
= 38

Thus the correct answer to the puzzle is 38.




Here are 4 more riddles to challenge you:

banana riddle


banana riddle


banana riddle


Solve banana viral riddle



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