Can You Answer This Question? Warning: 90% Of The People Fail!


I’m sure you’ve all have come across some which look like child’s play. But as soon as you go ahead to solve them, Voila, you realize that you’re dumb AF. This has happened to me a fair number of times in which I fail terribly. But here’s a little a fun part friends, you’re not dumb, you’re just not genius enough. As all magicians reveal the trick to their act, we too have debunked one such question for you. The answer to which is really a meh! 

question that 90% people fail to answer


So here’s the question:

                                      1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

                                      1 + 1 +  1 + 1 + 1

                                       1 + 1 x 0 + 1 = ?

Before all you smart people go ahead with your brains, let me tell you this. 90% of the people attempting this question have failed while giving its answer. No bro, this isn’t one of the Millennium questions that’ll fetch you a million. But then what is this?

question that 90% people fail to answervia

So, if you’ve yet solved and have come to a conclusion, have a look at the answers that are absolutely WRONG!

question 90 % of the people fail to answervia

Okay, have a look at the question once again! Don’t fail this time!


Ready with your answers?

The answer is NOT 1.

question which 90% of the people fail to answer

If you can’t quite understand the order of the operations or might’ve mixed it up you’d think it’s 1. But it isn’t. You may think that the 0 eliminated all the other numbers, but those who are really good at basic BODMAS. This isn’t that much of a trouble for you.

question which 90% of the people fail to answer

The answer is not 12.

question which 90% of the people fail to answer

This is the most common “near to genius” answer. But the sad part is, that there isn’t any addition (
sign after each row. Getting tricky, isn’t it?

 The answer is….30?

question which 90% of the people fail to answer

This number has created a lot of debate in the world of YouTube. But trust me, as far as my ‘genius’ level goes. This has to be the correct one!

How am I (and probably a million others) are coming to this conclusion? Well, since there are not any additional signs after each row, read the problem in the sequential order from left to right.

question which 90% of the people fail to answer

Apply BODMAS and there you go!

After Engineers, mathematicians, YouTubers, flooding in with there own set of “valid proof” of what might the answer be, we can only hope and pray and come to the last final conclusion (or fail again!) that,

The answer is maybe 2. Here’s how.

question that 90% people fail to answer

The first two rows are assumed to be not valid since neither the rows end with an equal to sign, nor do they implicate any further extension of a mathematical operation, which kind of makes the two rows invalid. But, the last row can be easily solved out by using BODMAS!

Read also: 12 Quotes That Prove That No One Does Sarcasm Better Than Robert Downey Jr.




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