12 Playground Gizmos That Are Just An Epitome Of Evilness


There are a lot of gizmos in the playground you loved a lot as a child. However, after growing up and learning a bit of science, you realize that all these gizmos in your playground were just not built accurately. They were indeed just an epitome of evilness.

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Here are 12 Playground gizmos that are just an epitome of evilness.

1. Metal Slides

This was one of the most popular gadgets of the whole playground. Metal slides were basically the Despacito of the music world. No one ever had even the slightest of ideas why it was famous, but yes, they were incredibly popular. However, the story was quite different during the month of summer. By the time you reached the bottom of the slide, your bum and your palms would get roasted to the core.

playground gizmos evilness



2. Spiderweb dome

Well, even Spiderman never used this because of the risk of dying in this dreadful gadget. You used to be at a constant risk of snapping your neck while playing in this spiderweb dome.

playground gizmos evilness



3. Tetherball

A lot of people probably came to play this game without reading the guidelines. You needed to be quite civilized to play this game. Apparently, most of the people would hit the ball so hard that it would faint the opponent in just a single win and they would win by default.

playground gizmos evilness



4. Zip Lines

Zip Lines helped you discover your hidden potential of doing those involuntary backflips.

playground gizmos evilness



5. Tire Swings

The person who pushed the swing in every direction and orientation possible enjoyed this game more than the person actually sitting in the swing. Also, the insides of the swing were always full with dead insects, especially deadly spiders.

playground gizmos evilness



6. Hanging rings

Well, these hanging rings are responsible for almost all the hand injuries children have ever got.

playground gizmos evilness



7. Giant strides

You must understand the fact that you are a child and not a giant. And if your overexcited soul still wants to try this gizmo, you must know that you are going to heading straight to the hospital.

playground gizmos evilness



8. Merry go rounds

This is one of the most weirdly named gizmos ever. You are not at all merry while riding these. You would just get dizzy at first and always, there would be at least one person in your group, who would just fly out from the whole unit, in some unknown direction, tangentially.

playground gizmos evilness



9. Witches Hats

This was one of the gizmos which was indeed an epitome of evilness.

playground gizmos evilness



10. See-saws

See-saws just exist to make fat people all around the world feel bad.

playground gizmos evilness



11. Animal rockers

Today these bad boys are made out of plastic, but back when I was a kid, some ultimate genius thought of making them in metal. They got super hot in summer and would give some deadly burns.

playground gizmos evilness



12. Monkey bars

They just existed for making you realise how monkeys are better at climbing than humans.

playground gizmos evilness



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