Husband Pays An Emotional Tribute To His Late Wife Their First Wedding Anniversary


A grieving husband paid an extremely emotional tribute to his late wife on a day which would have been their first wedding anniversary. Jake Coates met Emmy Collett when they were just 11 years other. They got married in September 2016.

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Before they got married, they got some heartbreaking news for the doctors. Emmy Collett was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the age of thirty. He tragically died on in June when she was just 31 years old.

Husband Emotional Tribute Wife



Jack Coates posted this utterly emotional tribute for this wife on Facebook exactly one year post their wedding.

Husband Emotional Tribute Wife


Here is what he posted online:

This time a year ago I couldn’t sleep. I was way too excited that I was going to get to marry this girl, the love of my life, in the morning. ‘There wasn’t a day that went by when we were together that I didn’t pinch myself – why someone like you would choose someone like me.

‘But I’ll forever be grateful that you did. We made the best team. Miss you more than ever my gorgeous girl. Xxxxx.’

The couple drifted apart when they had to go to their respective universities but reunited in 2015.

Husband Emotional Tribute Wife


The husband, Coates, worked as a doctor in Sydney and Ms Collett as a teacher in London. The couple went on a 2,000km bike ride for charity from London to Copenhagen. It was for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.

Husband Emotional Tribute Wife


They used to facetime every day. However, when they were on a trip to the Philippines, they received a devastating news of Ms Collett being diagnosed with a rare type of thyroid cancer after being a victim of a number of symptoms like diarrhoea, tiredness and enlarged lymph nodes.

Husband Emotional Tribute Wife


She got to know that cancer had already spread to her spine, lungs and bones.

Husband Emotional Tribute Wife


She was taken to the Royal Marsden Hospital where the doctors told them that she could have made a full recovery if the disease had been diagnosed before.

Husband Emotional Tribute Wife


Her skin was completely covered with blisters.

Husband Emotional Tribute Wife



After battling cancer for a number of months, she tragically died in the month of June.

Husband Emotional Tribute Wife



She was fond of maintaining a personal blog. In one of the blog posts, he said ”It was explained to us that my longstanding bowel problems were due to the extremely high level of the hormone, calcitonin, secreted from the cancer cells.’

Husband Emotional Tribute Wife



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