What Did PM Modi Say Apart From Saying Thanks To Public For Supporting His New Initiative To Recover Black Money?


It is often seen that whenever a new law or amendment is passed by the Central Government the nation breaks into riots. But that did not happen this time. In spite of the opposition ruling party continuing to question the efficiency of PM Modi, the people of the nation stand with him proudly, supporting his new initiative. And as a wise leader would do, PM Modi thanks the people of the nation to make his new initiative to recover black money.

PM Modi starts new initiative to recover black money


This new initiative by PM Modi to recover the black money is that he has banned the 500 and 1000 Indian currency notes to be used a legal tender starting from midnight of November 8, 2016.

PM Modi starts new initiative to recover black moneyvia

This historic step was kept top secret until the last minute of disclosure, so that the kings and queens of black money do not get a chance to find ways of escaping this death trap!(indeed a death trap for them). He addressed his citizens  by the following speech:

PM Modi starts new initiative to recover black money

His thanking speech says:


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