12 Relatable Things For You If You’re A Really Clumsy Person


Earth is sheltering different kinds of people with different habits and attitudes. One of those is the clumsy kinds who can’t spend even a single minute without making any mess because this is what makes them unique and annoying. Ruining things and annoying people is the purpose of their life. Here is a list of 12 relatable things for you if you’re a really clumsy person.

Clumsy people spend their whole life getting criticised that is why here is a piece dedicated to them to gas up their self-esteem. Because clumsy people are not bad, they’re just annoying.

1. You have actually considered not having kids in the future because someone like you will keep dropping and forgetting the baby

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A clumsy person can never be trusted with such responsibilities.

2. Your presence in the kitchen has never been free of disasters

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Cooking an art, a clumsy person can never learn.

3. Baking or cooking means burn marks all over your arm because you keep forgetting how hot the oven can be

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You become used to such things over time but never learn to avoid them.

4. You have slipped in public on more than one occasion 

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Because that’s what a clumsy person do. These are the things he is known for.

5. You may have actually fallen enough to wonder if your wedding will feature your big slip

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So you make every effort to eliminate heels from your wedding attire, just to be on the safe side.

6. When your crush passes by, your sandals decide to un-attach itself from your feet

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Of course, your clumsiness doesn’t allow you to look presentable.

7. You have scared potential “significant others” away because you don’t have control over your limbs

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People can’t trust a clumsy person with their life, you see.

8. You have smacked into glass door several times 

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That’s your favourite thing to do to make yourself embarrassed.

9. You have left your phone in restaurants and bathrooms on many occasions 

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Your phone is like your stepson. You keep forgetting it at places.

10. People are scared of handing over their baby to you because of your clumsiness

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Because no one trusts a clumsy person.

11. Let’s not even talk about how hard you bump into things and how badly you injure yourself at night

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These are the vital features of a clumsy person. How can you survive without not doing these?

12. You can’t eat without letting the rest of your body taste the food

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It’s because being normal is boring.


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