Signs That Your Best Friend Is Not Your Best Friend Anymore


We learn a lot of things in our lives. We learn to make friends, we learn to accept people’s flaws, we learn to forgive. Learning and accepting is a gradual process we go through during our living years. But, it’s very hard to accept a friendship-break-up and even harder to forget our best friend. It probably hurts more than an actual break-up as well. Then, not all friendships last forever. Some last for a few days, some for a week, some for a few months and some for years. As we grow up, we gradually realise that we are lucky even if we manage to find one single friend that stays beside  us through thick and thin. But sometimes, things don’t go as per planned. Even if it hurts, it is a fact that not everyone who has been a part of your life once is meant to be there forever. You need to find the signs at the right time and let the go. At times, letting people go for the sake of your own peace and betterment might actually be a good decision.

Here are some signs to look for if you think your best friend is not your best friend anymore.


Even if you want to hangout, your best-friend seems to have an excuse ready to not hangout. These are important signs you can’t ignore

They might say they have an extra class or a pending assignment to do or they might say they feel unwell and can’t really hangout. And, this happens all the time! Coincidence? No!

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2.  YOU SEEM TO GET LESS ATTENTION WHILE IN A GROUP.  While earlier, it always used to be on you, the focus now seems to be on someone else in the group. It does make you feel unimportant but they don’t seem to notice.

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3.  YOU ARE NOT UPDATED ABOUT WHAT’S GOING ON IN THEIR LIVES. You seem to have no or very little knowledge about what exactly is happening in their lives.  They are either really too busy to tell you or they might not want to. Simple!

best friend, sign


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