30 Relatable Things Only Internet Addicts Can Relate To


Let me start with the basics first. Internet is used to save our time. Oh, the irony ! LMAO. Times have changed and the young generation have no idea how far the addiction have come along with us. Being an internet addict myself, I can write tons of things here that only internet addicts can understand. The only time I realize the value of time is when there is no skip button in youtube. Am I gonna stop this internet addiction? Haha ! absolutely not. WIFI is the best thing ever happened to internet addicts. Here are the things every internet addicts should check out, they are extremely relatable.

Here are 30 relatable things that only internet addicts can understand

1. The first thing you do when you wake up in the evening

internet addicts


2. It’s also the last thing you do before going to sleep in the morning

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3. You spend most of your time in this position

internet addicts


4. You are always tired for some mysterious reasons

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5. Your dark circles are now bigger than your friend circle

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6. Mood swings in fraction of seconds

internet addictsvia 


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