Single Mom Misses Class And The Sincere Response Of Her Professor Has Become An Internet Sensation


Morgan King 21 years old, having an infant daughter named Korbyn is a single mom and also a college student. One day when she missed class, she happened to write an apology for her absence to her professor, Sally Hunter. The professor then replied to her in a very sincere and touching way that Morgan King couldn’t help sharing it on Twitter, which instantly went viral and has made Dr. Sally B. Hunter, the professor an internet sensation with her letter garnering over 26 thousand likes and almost 5 thousand shares for her sincere words and her letter being published all over the world.

also, read 15 Humorous Differences Between Single And Committed People That Will Make You LOL!

We bring you this story that has become an internet sensation, of a sincere response by a professor to a single mom student, on her missing the class.

source: Morgan King

1. Morgan King is a proud single mother to daughter Korbyn. She works nights at a restaurant to support herself and her baby.

single mom professor response sensation


2. She is studying Therapeutic Recreation at the University of Tennessee.

single mom professor response sensation


3. When she missed class on June 14, 2017, which included an assignment and a quiz her, she wrote an apology e-mail to her professor Dr. Sally Hunter, as she had to take care of her baby.

single mom professor response sensation


4. The response that she received from her professor was so sincere and touching.

single mom professor response sensation


5.  Morgan King couldn’t help sharing it on Twitter and since then it has gone viral in a huge way.

single mom professor response sensation


also, read Shocking Life Of a Single Mother Of 14, She’s Also An Octomom

6. The professor Dr. Sally Hunter a parent herself, noticed Morgan’s absence in class and e-mailed her, but instead of lambasting her response was very understanding, saying she should bring her daughter, Korbyn to class, if she didn’t get childcare and she would be happily willing to hold the child while she taught the class. Her heartwarming email response made a sensation on the internet.

single mom professor response sensation


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