Scientists Say Not Wanting To Get Out Of Bed In The Morning Could Be A Sign Of Intelligence


When you wake up and realize that you woke 5 mins before your alarm clock and you get to sleep for 5 more mins, isn’t that an amazing feeling? Nobody likes to get up from the bed in the morning and especially when you are just too comfortable in your bed. Even getting up for peeing seems like the toughest task ever. Your parents may not like your habit of not wanting to get out of bed but scientists claim that it’s a sign of intelligence. How cool is that, right?


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Here is what scientists have to say about this interesting fact. Let’s take a look!

According to a study Why night owls are more intelligent, researchers have proved that waking up late is a sign of intelligence.

waking up late sign of intelligence


This research was done by Satoshi Kanazawa and Kaja Perina

waking up late sign of intelligence


They say that people who don’t want to start their day early are best suited for modern lifestyle.

waking up late sign of intelligence


There can only be two things with this research. Either you are very lazy or you are actually smart and I guess we all know if we are lazy or not.

waking up late sign of intelligence


This research suggests that people who can control their sleep and can decide when to wake up are more creative.

waking up late sign of intelligence


The study says that alarm clocks are new invention and we didn’t have it until very recently, it means we’re not evolutionarily equipped to ignore the duties of our life.

waking up late sign of intelligence


That said, the researcher’s study also suggests that being able to hit the alarm snooze button and ignoring your regular duties is a sign of intelligence because it indicates a good sense of self-agency.

waking up late sign of intelligence


Did you get it? Let us elaborate it for you. Ignoring the rule of early to bed and early to rise by hitting the snooze button, you don’t follow the so called good habit and act based on the need of your body.

waking up late sign of intelligence


It means you are independent and more creative. you are likely to follow your ambitions and solve the problems of your life more efficiently.

waking up late sign of intelligence


To add further to this research, a study in 1998 by the researches at the University of Southampton, they found that people who wake up after 8 am had a happier and blissful life. 

waking up late sign of intelligence


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