If You’re A Social Media Addict, Beware! You Can Be Victims Of Poor Mental Health


We all can call ourselves a social media addict but do you know that if it’s so then you might likely be a victim of poor mental health? It’s a trend of taking pictures and adding filters to it to upload it to our social media accounts for others to see. Capturing each and every moment and turning it into a story for your followers. And why not? After all, it has become an ideal platform to show off your exotic vacations, fancy dinners and everything you attend. You tend to create Utopia for yourself on your Social Media accounts.

Social Media Addict Can Be Victims Of Poor Mental Health


Read More: Making Accounts In All Social Media Platforms Is Nothing But Living A Life With Identity Disorder

Clearly what we don’t try to understand is that people are becoming slaves of these social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. Of course, it seems that our life is perfect but the truth is that it isn’t! We never tend to think that how these addictions can be ruining our mental health.

Social Media Addict Can Be Victims Of Poor Mental Health


In a recent study that was done by Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH), the youngsters were asked to rate the top five social media platforms they use and like. The results are quite shocking as Instagram was rated to have the most negative impact on youth. It was followed by Snapchat that was considered the second most negative platform.

Social Media Addict Can Be Victims Of Poor Mental Health


According to the study conducted it was proven that these social media addiction is affecting the youngsters’ mental health severely. Depression, sleep deprivation, anxiety, and many other such illnesses may follow you if you are an avid user of these sites.

Social Media Addict Can Be Victims Of Poor Mental Health


One of the reasons that among all the other social media platforms the ones that affect the mental health most are Instagram and Snapchat is because both Instagram and Snapchat are image-focused. This can be the reason it’s causing jealousy and anxiety in people.

Social Media Addict Can Be Victims Of Poor Mental Health


Moreover, these platforms might also make you a victim of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). By seeing these ideal lives of others that are slightly made-up, youngsters tend to get envious and low of their friends, making them feel like a failure. This ‘compare-and-despair’ attitude leads to the destruction of their own personality.

Social Media Addict Can Be Victims Of Poor Mental Health


Be addicted to something never does good to you and your health. We need to realize and take major steps to get over these social media addictions for our own good. And if this remains the way it is right now, we will have a future where every six people out of ten will experience depression or anxiety.

Social Media Addict Can Be Victims Of Poor Mental Health



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