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These “High School Me Vs Adult Me” Tweets Are Hilarous Yet...

How many of you have actually wondered that your parents were right about everything when you thought that your life is not gonna be...

19 Signs You Are Remodelling Yourself Into An Adult

Have you ever experienced some signs that make you wonder whether you have transformed yourself into an adult? These signs, signs which help you...

Hilarious Tweets About Growing Up That Are So True And Relatable

There are thses hilarious tweets about growing up that you can totally realate to.As the saying goes that the grass on the other side...

These Sad Adulthood Tweets Will Make You ROFL Then CRY

Internet memes and jokes are always something that take a subject or news way too far. Some of them will cure your cancer and...

Childhood Fears VS Adulthood Fears – How we grew up

The journey from the childhood to adulthood is amazing in its own way. This journey brings a lot of changes. From the way we...

30 Hilarious Life And Adulthood Illustrations That Are Scarily Relatable

Life.. oh well that word manages to get the biggest sigh ever. The phases, the evils of growing up and the much-awaited but also...