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This Seven Year Old Left A Hilarious Note To Her Dad!

The girl gives her dad sassy feedback with a hilarious note on her packed lunch. The seven-year-old daughter of Pete Simson's left him an...

Parenting Mistakes Confessed By Parents For Which They Regret Most

Parenting is the toughest thing in everyone's' life. You are raising not only your children but also the next generation. Writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry...

Youngest Parents Around The World That Will Leave You Shocked

Becoming a parent is the best feeling in the world. With that, comes the responsibility of a newborn who is totally dependent on you....

25 Epic Parenting Fails That Are Way Too Hilarious!

Parenting is definitely one of the most difficult tasks one has to undertake. But I must say parents are damn good at handling every tantrum...

25 Honest Illustrations By Mom About What It’s Really Like To...

Motherhood is bliss? Myth or reality. Well, this is still highly debatable, and honestly, the cons are really more than the pros, but moms...

12 Awesome Parenting Life Hacks From Seasoned Parents

Sometimes for some people, having kids is a nightmare. We all know how much patient you have to be when you are dealing with...

Hilarious Parenting Hacks Told Through Even Funnier Tweets

Parenting is not an easy task to do, not only parents even kids who irritate their parents know it very well. Sometimes you just don't...

12 Funny Comics Illustrating The Struggle Of Raising Children

Kids are weird, funny, smart, exhausting and what not but only parents know the real struggle behind raising children. To be honest, they are...

Parenting Memes That Are Too Hilarious To Be Missed

Parenting has its own pros and cons. Okay, usually cons! Each and every moment of parenting can be turned into a series of memes....

These Comics Perfectly Show How Moms And Dads Are Treated Differently...

Parenting is not as easy as people think and in most of the cases, you even get judged for parenting your own child. We know...

These Parents Take Pride In Trolling Their Kids. #8 Is Brutal!

Parents love their children, they care for them, sacrifice so much for them and what not. So it does seem fair when they put...