Parenting Mistakes Confessed By Parents For Which They Regret Most


Parenting is the toughest thing in everyone’s’ life. You are raising not only your children but also the next generation. Writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said, “All grown-ups were once children.” Many parents make mistakes and regret later while raising children.

Here, in this article Am writing some unpleasant stories of parents which helps us to learn from their mistakes.

Shaming the children in public in the name of discipline is a big mistake –   ©MojaveRed


Never leave kids unattended.  I learned it the hard way when my son felt down from a changing table while I went to bring diapers–   ©WhoDat512


One day I told my 2-year-old son “careful” while he is trying to climb some equipment in the playground, which is meant for kids. I punched myself for telling him that now©neobeguine


Screaming and throwing tantrums on the kids will make things worse. Instead, take some “mommy time out.” Relax for a few minutes and talk to them. Being emotional is fine, but expressing them in a written way is essential. – ©PinkleopardPJ


Be careful what you say with your children. One day my 3 years old daughter had a bad dream as she saw bugs crawling on the wall. I said it’s all in your head. Later, she didn’t sleep for many hours assuming that she has bugs in her head.- ©fitcht3ll


One day my wife offered a beer to my two years toddler. Instead of a question mark face, she loved the beer and wants some every time either of us has a beer. – ©C0ntrol_Group


Stereotype discrimination, let them do whatever they want to instead of saying it’s a girl thing or a boy thing. –  ©gohugatree


Devaluing teenagers words is one of the lousy parenting, which causes a lot of damage to their self-esteem. –  ©Aehnyx


Making the kids use hand sanitizer all the time will kill the good bacteria and makes them fall sick often- ©HEYdontIknowU


Not hugging your children is a big mistake©tuurrr


 I spent working more than 60 hours in a week than seeing my toddler growing. She had her childhood away from the family and which I regret now –  ©invayduhzym



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