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Tag: Photoshop

Photos That Went Viral But Were Actually Fake Or Photoshopped. 

People sure do have a lot of free time on their hands. Check these fake photoshopped viral pictures which kicked up a storm out. Also,...

This Is What Happens When You Ask The Wrong Guy For...

All of us want to look good, well some of us have the natural ability to actually look good. And some (like me!) manage...

Guy Photoshop Himself With Pictures of Kendall Jenner And The Result...

We all dream and want to live certain life but due to some reasons, some of us can’t. But there’s a guy Kirby Jenner...

Guy Photoshop Himself With Celebrity Pictures And The Result Is Amusing!

We all dream of a certain life that we could live but not all are lucky enough to get that. But there’s a guy...

Photoshop Fails: This Is What Happens When You Ask The Wrong...

Asking that one extra creative mind to photoshop your 'decent' pictures is as good as inviting Mother Trouble to your couch. They purposely create...