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12 Funny Teachers We Wish We All Could Have Had While...

Teachers are of course one of the most important aspects of any school. Teachers have a patented image of being grumpy and strict. However,...

12 Cringeworthy Notes Teachers Sent To Really Poor Parents

Teachers have always been sending notes, dare I say, cringeworthy notes to the parents for what their kids have been doing at school every...

15 Incidents Where Teachers Turned Brutal Against Their Own Students.

There are some teachers who are kind of knights in shining armor and then there are teachers who make sure that your life turns...

18 Students Share The Most Embarrassing Things They’ve Done In The...

We all as students said something embarrassing sometimes in our class. The school is our second home and that is what we’ve been knowing all...

Art Teachers Share The Most Disturbing Artwork Their Student Has Ever...

Have you ever heard about disturbing artwork? If not some art teachers share the most disturbing artwork their student has ever submitted them.Remember when...

20 Hilarious Teachers Texts With Students That will Make You Flinch!

When you see hilarious teachers texts with their students, it makes you flinch, don’t they? When did people go from texting each other to...

High School Stories So Embarrassing That You’d Go ROFL!

Students make a lot of memories during their high school days. But, not all high school stories are sweet. Some high school stories can...