These Are The Points You Need To Know Before Driving A Car



Many experienced car drivers also make some small mistakes, which leads to accidents on the road. Safe driving is one of the most important things everyone needs to pay attention to. Scroll down, to know some of the driving rules which we tend to neglect mostly.

1.Checking the mirrors

Checking the side view mirrors is of the critical point. A blind spot is a part of the road. A blind spot is a part of the way that you cannot see so that you may miss a car traveling in an adjacent traffic lane. To avoid any such conditions, you need to adjust the side view mirrors by sitting in your normal driving position.



2. Feel the wheels of the car

To prevent the scratches to the vehicle and potholes, you need to learn how to feel the wheels of the car. To practice, take a crushed plastic bottle and drive with your left and right front wheels in turn and open the window to hear it.



3. Watching the maneuvers of taller cars in front of you.

You need to have a look for the taller cars like buses and cars. They seed road situations much more clearly. If they change the road lane, then they must have seen a roadblock. So, you can easily follow them.




4. Turning the high beam

Mostly in winters cars don’t cooperate us to start on the first attempt. Before giving a second try, make sure to on the high beam which heats the engine and helps the car to start.




5. Lower your rear-view mirror at night

To avoid the beaming of the different car’s headlight, you can pull down the lever under the rear-view mirror to change the angle of the mirror.



6. Turning the air conditioner on

Even if you don’t use the air conditioner regularly, you need to turn on the ac to avoid the coolant seep out and drying of the tubes.



7. Regular usage of the hand brake

By using the hand brakes regularly, you can make sure that it is in working condition.



8. Drying the brakes

After drying to the puddle, you need to dry your brakes to avoid the water getting into the ignition system.



9. Never turn the wheels before making a left or right turn.

It is pretty dangerous to turn the wheels of the vehicle before taking the turn. As the car is in initial position if any car hits you from the backside, you may be thrown to the opposite direction.



10. Following the neighboring lane

If your neighbor lane is slowing down their car, then try to slow down your vehicle too. They may be trying to let a pedestrian or an animal pass




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