20 Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships


While relationships are heartwarming, breakups can be heart-breaking. It’s tough to cope up with something that was once a relationship. While it still remains a universal fact that one learns a lot from their past relationships. Despite what went down between you and your ex, each relationship is a learning experience. It can be difficult to see the good things that came out of your now defunct relationship, like life lessons.

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These people shared their stories on Whisper about the unexpected things that they’ve learned from their past relationships!

1.We know that life gives a second chance, but make sure you don’t repeat the same mistake again.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

2.Break-ups are one of the best teachers in life. When you are down, it’s the best time to contemplate who are your well-wishers and who aren’t.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

3.Never rely on a single source be it relationships or any other thing.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

4.While you may be 100% committed to your partner, things may not always work out! It’s OKAY.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

5.This is actually a good piece of advice if you want to remain financially secure. One of the unexpected things she has learned from her past relationships. 

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

6.Well, you should know how to differentiate between your personal and professional life.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

7.Never blindly trust anyone just because you think they will never cheat on you. A reality check is always essential from time to time.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

8.If your partners make you lose your self-worth, it’s not worth carrying forward that relationship.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

9.Love isn’t the only purpose in life.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

10.It’s better to know your worth and act accordingly in spite of just lingering around your ex.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

11.There is a huge gap between imagination and reality. What you think might not be always true.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

12.The relationship that is built on false promises are never built to last long. One day or the other, its truth will automatically be revealed.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

13.Remember that if life gives you another chance, never make the same mistake and learn from your previous chance.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

14.People who say Karma is a bitch should understand the fact that karma is always reciprocating every action with equal and opposite reaction.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

15.While relationship is a mutual thing, it is to note that sharing your expenses must be done equally, until you decide to distribute your work between both.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

16.While you are in a relationship, you feel that you are on cloud nine. But it does take much time to realize the reality of that relationship.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

17.You cannot think of a relationship for part time. It’s something you are either into or out of it. It’s not at least a game!

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

18.Never have feelings left for someone who does not even care about you. It’s just an illusion that things will get better with time.

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

19.In a relationship, both the partners should be respected and treated equally. That’s what she learned from her past relationships. 

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships

20.Money and relationships never go hand in hand. It’s either way. One of the unexpected things you can learn from your past relationships. 

Unexpected Things People Learned From Past Relationships


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