13 Thought Girls Have While Using Dating Apps You Wouldn’t Imagine


To use or not to use dating apps for finding a guy?! Finding a prince is every girl dream. The prince of her dreams who would be perfect in every aspect. But meeting people and finding a perfect guy among them is a bit difficult. Let us thank today’s digital world where everything we want is at the fingertips of our hand, even the guy/girl we are searching for!

The introduction of various dating apps has made is even easier to search our significant other.  Dating apps have given us all the options to search for our prince. These apps are the knight in shining armor.
Though all of us are not so open to these dating apps and trust them completely some of the people swear by it.

Here are some thoughts every girl had once while using those dating apps.

1.Is it fine to download dating app?
dating apps


The first thought every girl has before downloading dating apps is- should we download it? Is it fine to use dating apps? And then we keep aside these questions and just download it! Maybe we would miss the chance to find our prince charming if we don’t download it!

2.Sign in with facebook!!
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After downloading it we hope that it doesn’t ask us to sign through facebook, we don’t want anyone to know we are using these dating apps after all!

3.Oh now c’mon witty side, we can’t give a whole day to you now!
dating apps

We all want our profile to look smart and perfect by trying not to appear clingy. Who wants to look like they are trying very hard to find a match through the app? We all girls want our profiles to look amazing exactly like we want to see others. But sorry to inform you that it will take few attempts. 


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