Warning! Tomato Ketchup Is Harmful For Your Health And You Must Avoid Having It


Tomato Concentrate: To simplify the term, this is the process which includes cooking tomatoes up, removing seeds and then cook them up again. Not to forget, this whole thing lasts for long hours and that too at really high temperature, resulting into removing all of those good vitamins and nutrients. Harmful enough, huh!

Harmful effects of Tomato Ketchup

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HFCS: Also known by the name of high fructose corn syrup is that another complicated term which most of the people just know by the name of some “Sugar”. This ingredient is not only available in Tomato ketchup but also in soft drinks, cereals and many others. For many people, this is considered as not that harmful, but actually, it is! How can we say that? Because it contains fructose and that too in a really huge amount which can result in causing that bad effect on brain and body.

Harmful effects of Tomato KetchupImage Source

Corn Syrup: This ingredient of Tomato Ketchup, which cannot be considered as complete HFCS, but cannot either, be said as not harmful for health. It is after all a corn syrup only!

Harmful effects of Tomato Ketchup

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