18 Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids


Raising a kid is not an easy task. If only parenthood can be added to CVs, people would value it more, maybe. When we look back or hear stories from our parents, we get to know how picky kids we were. And this is the case with every child everywhere. Kids are complicated and that too for tonnes of different reasons. They want us to feed them at odd times and things which are no way good or conventional. These infuriated parents then take up to Twitter to explain what they go through. And the tweets that are done by them are relatable AF.

Read More: 15 Secret Fear Young Parents Have About Raising Their Kids

Here are 18 hilarious tweets done by infuriated parents trying to feed their picky kids!

1. Why do I feel the tweets of all these infuriated parents are going to hurt some.

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

2. Not to forget the other kind of chips and stuff picky kids want to feed on.

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

3. Basically how all the infuriated parents react when they have to feed the picky kids.

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

4. One of the best tweets I have ever read. This lady has her priorities sorted.

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

5. Why do all the picky kids do this? I mean, even I did it but the question is why.

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

6. Tweets from infuriated parents or not, everyone goes through the same.

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

7. One of those tweets we don’t always get to see. This sarcastic mommy for sure knows her words.

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

8. Why do all the picky kids have to eat all these weird stuff?

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

9. Infuriated parents? Nah! Let me be a badass one. You are doing parenting right, Tim.

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

10. Not sure how many times my mother has done this or how many times I’ll do it.

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

11. Kids are the honest AF. You just can’t expect them to lie on these matters.
Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

12. Guess who wears the pants in this family. Kids are the boss, accept the fact.

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

13. And the superpowers of all these infuriated parents is how well they tolerate. 

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

14.You just can not argue with these kids. Trust me, everyone has tried and failed.

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

15. Picky kids are really picky about their favorites. Something no one will be able to find out.

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

16. These will just remain tweets, the truth is far from them.

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

17. I guess this is why diapers were invented. Diapers give parents peace.

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

18. Yes, yes, we are here for you. Don’t worry, every parent does this.

Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

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