The Unforgiving Ordeals of Being a Woman


The ordeals a women faces are endless to say the least. While issues ranging from wage gap to street harassment, discrimination at work place, equal division of household chores, onscreen representation and many other big concerns do get the attention of media from time to time. It is the challenges we face on day to day basis, which our male counterparts neither face nor understand, that boils our temperament up.

Either it is because of the eternity long oppression we have faced or simply accepting and following the societal norms – there are struggles out there that only a woman faces.

As women, our lives require a great amount of homework, done well in advance, to fit the Image our society would accept.
Be it waxing, hair ironing, nail painting, getting your make up done or wearing high heels – the list goes on, and pretty much suggests that the same society has favoured the other gender a lot more.

But women are also super humans, so these day to day scruffs, no matter how annoying, don’t faze us much. So read along to know if you find the list we have compiled relatable or see the humour in it.

They Say Having Long Locks Makes Us Look Beautiful, What Do They Know


There are No Cheat Days in Our Gym Sessions 


Every Beverage Costs you $2 Worth of Lipstick 


Another Hair Casualty Boys Would Never Have to Face


Shopping Malls are Our Battleground and We Wear Our Scars with Pride


Those New Shoes Which Turned Heads, Left Wounds That’ll take Weeks to Heel


Why Can’t Denim Makers Come Up with Jeans That Would Withstand Long Nails?


A Broken Compact Hurts More than a Broken Heart


Those Contouring Tutorials Kill Your Faith in Humanity 


No Pain No Gain




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