12 Amazingly Weird Things That Were Recovered From Unclaimed Baggages.


We all usually crumble on the water bottles lost at the Airport security, let alone the whole luggage. Though everyone gets irritated of the unclaimed baggages just lying on the baggage counter waiting to be taken away by the owner. But little do we know that these bags can be one hell of a secret treasure full of weird things. Most of them end up at Lost and Found centers and are then opened up by security. Don’t be surprised if you hear of some expensive purses, jewelry or ancient antiquities lost at Airports. Here are 12 amazingly weird things recovered from the luggage of travelers back at airports.

1. Barbie doll stuffed with cash.

Amazingly Weird Things That Were Recovered From Unclaimed Baggages.

This Barbie might look like any other normal toy to you but the fact is that it was worth over $500 because of the cash stashed right inside her head.

2. Platinum Ring embedded with Diamond.


This Platinum ring was embedded with a 5.8 carat diamond. What makes is amazingly weird is the fact that it was packed in a sock.

3. Cash worth $1M


Looks like one of the bad guys landed in some serious security troubles and to save himself he had to dupe the bag stashed with 1 Million Dollars.

4. Camera for NASA’s space shuttle.


Finding out such a device from unclaimed baggage must’ve been really amazing. It was very careless of the bad owner to leave such a precious item back in his luggage. This camera was later returned to NASA with complete precautions.

5. Bronze plaques from the 13th century.


These bronze plaques were originally created in the Benin Kingdom to honour the king, Oba. How they ended up in unclaimed baggage later in the 21st century is altogether a different mystery. 


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