21 Celebrity Kids Who Appear To Be The Mirror Image Of Their Parents!


While kids genetically adopt some of the features and have a glimpse of their parent’s look, it may be hard to accept that some celebrity kids looks exactly alike their parents. These celebrity kids bear resemblance to the mirror image of their parents, aside from the similar looks few of these kids share the same mannerism and habits. Some father-son or mother-daughter celeb duo oblige hair-trigger attention for their uncanny resemblance.

Being a child of a Celebrity comes with its own disadvantages, like busy parents, crazy fans, and shutterbugs. But the negatives can never counterbalance the positives such as splitting the same DNA with the world’s Gorgeous Parents! You might have to take a second look to distinguish them from their parents.

From the Mother-Daughter duo to the Father-Son duo, you will encounter these celebrity kids bearing the mirror image to their Celebrity charming Parents!

1. John (Shiloh) Jolie-Pitt and Angelina Jolie


2. David Beckham and Romeo


3. Clint Eastwood and Scott

celebrity kids are mirror image of parents

4. Meryl Streep and Mamie

The ditto mirror image!



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