An Amazing Love Story From United States Of America To Bangladesh.


You may have heard of all famous love stories including real life and Hollywood drama but I’m sure the story we are going to tell you about a man from Bangladesh is something that you don’t hear every day. It’s one of a kind and very unique story that the entire world is talking about. Today we are going to talk about a real-life love story that traveled from the United States to Bangladesh. Keep reading to know more about this interesting love story.

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Let’s find out more about this incredible love story from the United States of America to Bangladesh.

Story of two nations

This story is about the couple Apu Mandal from Bangladesh and Sara Kuhn from California.

love story from United States to Bangladesh

The couple met at Facebook

Apu and Sara became met in a Facebook group in 2017 and later became friends. They started chatting and this was the start of their love story.

love story from United States to Bangladesh

Chats and romantic messages

They both started interacting with each other every day and started doing video calls too.

love story from United States to Bangladesh

Long distance became shorter

The long distance relationship went for one year and then the couple decided to meet and get married.

love story from United States to Bangladesh

The first meet

Sara traveled all the way from the United States to meet Apu. He was at the airport to meet his love of life. It was their first meeting in person.

love story from United States to Bangladesh

From the US to Apu’s village

From Dhaka, Sara traveled to Apu’s village where Apu’s family greeted her.

love story from United States to Bangladesh

Grand welcome

Apu’s family welcomed Sara and greet her with pleasure. They did not have any problems with Sara’s nationality and religion.

love story from United States to Bangladesh

But they both practiced Christianity thereafter

Apu and Sara started practicing Christianity as their religion.

love story from United States to Bangladesh

The couple got married in Bangladesh

After taking vows at church, the couple celebrated the marriage ceremony in a hotel in Bangladesh.

love story from United States to Bangladesh

Apu’s relatives were eagerly waiting to meet the bride

There was a huge crowd of Apu’s relatives and friends who came to meet the foreign bride.

love story from United States to Bangladesh

They initially decided to get married in the USA but it couldn’t happen

Apu didn’t get the visa and when there was no choice, Apu’s hometown was suitable for both of them to get married.

love story from United States to Bangladesh

A story hard to believe

In the era of social media and face filters, not everyone travels this far to meet their love of life. What’s your opinion on this? Do let us know.

love story from United States to Bangladesh

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