These Popular Male Celebrities Are Turned Into Females And They Look Amazing


These men are the heartthrobs of fans. They are attractive and talented and has every quality that an alpha man should have. But if we use a little help of Photoshop and see how they would look if we turned them into females, we will know if we can be alpha women too.

1. Ryana Gosling can easily be paired opposite Ryan Gosling in any movie

celebrities turned into females


As beautiful as he is already if he was a woman he would be no less attractive.

2. Donna Trump becomes the new President

celebrities turned into females


I hope she is as good at speeches as him.

3. Leonarda DiCaprio also wins the Oscar for perfection

celebrities turned into females


That chiselled face is to die for. She surely looks like an uptown socialite. The females do look quite impressive.

4. Vlada Putina loves power

celebrities turned into females


With all the wrinkles and lines gone she looks like a lady who is ready to rule the world.

5. Will Georgina Clooney be the Catwoman?

celebrities turned into females


George Clooney was great at playing Batman. Now maybe it is time Georgina played the Catwoman.

6. Christina Bale can be a great housewife in ‘Desperate Housewives’

celebrities turned into females


Christian Bale has also played a Batman. Now the female alter ego can rock any role she is given.

7. Bradlina Cooper would have been a perfect Bridesmaid

celebrities turned into females


She would have been easily a Hollywood star because those looks can kill. We all know how handsome Bradley Cooper is, it was only expected that the female alter ego would be as beautiful.

8. What should we name her? Let it be Adeline Sheeran

celebrities turned into females


I wouldn’t say this is very impressive because it seems like much changes have not been done. Although they look like twin brother and sister.

9. Rebecca Pattinson should play the female vampire

celebrities turned into females


She can be a great competition for Kristen Stewart.

10. Diana Johnson would be the new female wrestler winning championships

celebrities turned into females


We have to agree that the female version looks more like his mom.

11. Cristina Hemsworth looks so beautiful

celebrities turned into females


It is as if there was no magic of Photoshop and she was naturally born that beautiful.

12. Jenna Depp has some great makeup skills

celebrities turned into females


The females in the list have some great expressive eyes. But her cheekbones are better than anyone else’s.


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