Girlfriend Illustrates Everyday Life With Her Boyfriend In These Funny Illustrations.


Living with the one you love is probably the best feeling, and there are several things that you could do with your boyfriend. These moments are the ones that make your relationship stronger and make you realize that this is what love is all about. One such comic artist describes her everyday life with her boyfriend in these funny illustrations!

Catana is a comic artist who lives with her boyfriends and describes her everyday life with her boyfriend in these funny illustrations!

1. Boyfriends are definitely the recharge for your heart. Hugs always make things better.funny illustrations

2. What would we do if it wasn’t for them to remind us about these little yet important things!
funny illustrations
3. This is a no watch zone, please your eyes somewhere else. Thank you!
funny illustrations
4. Heels have never really proved to be comfortable, and now that you’ve decided to wear them. Your only hope for an escort to the home is your dearest boyfriend.
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5. Oh well, this is definitely me, but I’m pretty sure I don’t want to go anywhere when I’m sick!
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6. Well, somebody who loves you is gonna find you adorable no matter what!
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7. Food, you don’t even have to ask my permission, just feed me away you good human!
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8. New cologne definitely has that good effect on us, especially when it is mingled with his fragrance.

9. Okay, after 10 pm it is officially the normal no makeup look time, and I’m not even gonna apologize!

10. It is all fun and games till it gets pretty serious, please, do no tickle me, or there’ll be consequences.

11. It is really just the little things you know, we don’t ask for much.

12. Yep, I can definitely vouch for that, I feel the safest in your arms love!

13. That is the only reason we ask for your stuff, silly.


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