Remember Young Snape From Harry Potter? Here’s What He Looks Like Now


Do you remember little Snape from Harry Potter?  You’ll be all jaw dropped if you see what he’s become now!


Snape,harry potter


All the Harry Potter characters have grown up and some of them went through a magical transformation. We all know that Matthew Lewis aka Neville Longbottom’s transition from ugly duckling to swan was pretty damn magical.
But what’s this ? Another Harry Potter character has grown up and he looks incredibly handsome. We are talking about our own Snapy boy aka Benedict Clarke who played young Snape in Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows, Part 2.

snape,harry potter


Clarke had a very small but iconic role in the movie and that will be always remembered. The child actor hasn’t pursued many roles since his Hogwarts days; he’s only appeared in three other short films Awkward Facades, In The Wake Of Sirens and Andys.

snape,harry potter

At 15 when he played the role, he was super pale and greasy-haired. He was perfect for the role of a lonely and sweet character. But it’s been five years and people are buzzing about young Snape in social media but it’s got nothing to do with the character. The young Snape has all grown up and the girls are going crazy as he has transformed into a bonafide hottie.

Check out these before after pictures of Clarke, the young Snape from Harry Potter. You won’t believe what he looks like now

#When he was 15

harry potter,snape



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