This Is What Matthew Perry AKA Chandler Bing Looks Like Now – You’ll Be Shocked


Chandler Bing – The king of sarcasm, the ruler of our hearts. Whatsoever role Matthew Perry  portrays, a mass majority of 90’s people will always call him ‘Chandler Bing’ of ‘Friends’. Seeing friends’ cast today still makes us go through nostalgia and we feel like we are back to 90’s. Though every character was deeply loved and appreciated, but that of Chandler Bing still has a very special place in our hearts.

chandler bing Matthew perry


He taught us the use of sarcasm as a defence mechanism against anything bad or annoying or just people. In fact, especially for me, he bought sarcasm into existence


chandler bing Matthew perry


Matthew Perry has been off the limelight for quite a long time. Wonder what is he up to now?

Also read: Remember Rachel & Ross’s Baby, Emma? This Is How She Grew Up With FRIENDS & Looks Today!

First, let me show you how Matthew Perry Aka Chandler Bing looks like now.

Then and now. Who says – time heals ?

chandler bing Matthew perry


But it was just yesterday when he was all young playing Chandler Bing duh ! Look at more of these. This one is when he was all decked up in a suit a few days ago.

chandler bing Matthew perry


And this one when he was spotted on streets, probably taking a casual walk.

chandler bing Matthew perry


*No Words* :/ Maybe just the wrong angle.


Well, as to what he is up to nowadays – Matthew Perry is playing the role of Oscar Madison in the tv series – ‘The Odd Couple’

matthew perry chandler bing


Following the 20th anniversary of Friends Matthew Langford Perry has now returned to sitcom in a remake of The Odd Couple, playing Oscar Madison.

Well, the life has its ups and downs and age is not just a number. But still, for those we love, we just love. There are no other sides or ifs and buts.

At 45, Perry remains single despite a dizzying list of companions, starting with Julia Roberts, whom he dated after she made a guest appearance on Friends. Well, for me Matthew Perry is still Chandler who suits with Monica the best.


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