This Is How He Will Break Your Heart, According To His Zodiac Sign!


This Is How He Will Break Your Heart, According To His Zodiac Sign

Getting into a relationship may sound a good idea, but getting your heart broken is the worst nightmare ever. Heartbreak is all about loneliness, trust issues, suppressed anger and depression. Though dealing with the pain and stress caused by the heartbreak is not a cake walk; it is imperative in the process of maturing, being practical and sometimes giving you the whole new strength that may take you closer to your dreams and goals. It can bring the new person out of you and to some broken hearts, it hauls out the hidden talent or passion.

So, the outline is – No matter if you are heartbroken; you can always shine brighter. Just do not allow him to break your heart so unfavorably, that it may take decades to overcome it. Thus, be aware of the tactics used by him for heartbreak in advance and guard your delicate, precious heart against falling in the severe despair. Astrology has it’s own way of forecasting about human nature and acts to give the slightest clue about the possible occurrences.

Observe the fashion of heartbreak caused by him or how he will break your heart, according to his zodiac sign and warn yourself of severe heartbreak.

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Have you ever felt like- falling head over heels down the stairs and no one to pull you up? Well, Aries man will cause you the same pain emotionally, this way they break your heart and won’t even come back to comfort you or coax you once he is over you. Basically, he will lose interest in you quickly and will never come back to mend it, as he is more of a chaser; busy luring his new target. Heartbreak by Aries is quite rapid and blunt.

How He Will Break Your Heart, According To His Zodiac Sign

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

He is a Narcissist; too much of self-obsession that will lead you to feel inferior and even change your pleasant going personality. He will sideline you all the time against his vanity. Beware of his self-love and ignorance towards you. Taurus think they are the most important person in their life and will drag you to irrelevant discussions and arguments to prove he is always faultless. He is too stubborn to come back for apology once he declares a breakup.

How He Will Break Your Heart, According To His Zodiac Sign

3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini possesses a wavering mind. He will come and go into your life as per his waffling thoughts. In a relationship, he is more of a social person than a romantic guy and usually loves to spend time with his friends rather than delivering those moments to you. Hence you need to be always demanding for his time, and once you declare breakup, he will keep coming and going like the wind.

How He Will Break Your Heart, According To His Zodiac Sign


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