This Is How He Will Break Your Heart, According To His Zodiac Sign!


4. Cancer (June 21 – July 21)

He is very sensitive and a hush-hush guy when it comes to showcasing his feelings. You need to be so attentive to him all the time, and to those emotions, he has stored backdoor. Break up with a Cancer will turn him to be a real mess. Thus he expects you offer him a shoulder to cry on and get along you.Remember getting back to such a piece of crap is not at all a good thought. Your most of the time will spend behind thinking you are a culprit and you hurt him too deeply; which is not the case. Stand strong emotionally and mentally to move on.

How He Will Break Your Heart, According To His Zodiac Sign

5. Leo (July 22 – August 22)

Leos are way too flirtatious and always seek that ‘fifteen minutes of fame.’ Thus, he is fond of ending up things in public. Also, he will have so many boosters and admirers; he may probably get into other relationship before ending up with you. The worst part is he is pretty quick in getting along with others, break your heart and end the relationship.

How He Will Break Your Heart, According To His Zodiac Sign

6. Virgo (August 23 – Sept 22)

Virgos are workaholic and ardent to his work, and maybe at first this quality of him must have captivated you onto him. He will be more from his work and won’t give you attention until he realizes relationship setting on fire. Break up for him may be slow and steady, most of the time without even him knowing it. He is more in love with his career than you, so if you’re not his job he won’t come back to you.

How He Will Break Your Heart, According To His Zodiac Sign


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