Artist Doodles On Rich People Showers And Shows Us How Absurd They Are


An amazing artist Artxauroraxart doodles on rich people showers and highlights how absurd they are. For rich people, showers are not just showers. Almost all the rich people use their money in some unusual manner and one of it is by making amusing shower designs. It’s true what’s the point of using things when you don’t appreciate it. It’s exactly the same, what’s the point of cleaning yourself if you can’t look and feel good there?
This famous and hilarious artist doodles on their image and creates an incredible piece of arts that will make your cheeks hurt from laughing. He doodles things like cows, aliens, and stuff.

If we can’t take a bath in luxury at least we can laugh at the doodles of these rich people showers. Check the amazing doodles by Artxauroraxart on rich people showers and get a good dose of laughter.

1.This looks like pictures I have seen of rooms they use in Scientology!
rich people showers doodles


2.If this was my shower, my water bill would sky rocket because I’d be having my own little sing along disco party every day I showered.
rich people showers doodles

3.It’s like a car wash but for people. How cool it would be! Step in-rinse-soap-rinse-water and step out!
rich people showers doodles


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