Donald Trump- First Day Inside The White House: Spleen, Ferment And A Reboot!


The U.S president Donald Trump has just returned to the white house from his inauguration event.  Donald announced his inauguration day at the white house as the “National day of patriotic devotion”! Keep reading to know what happened on his first day!

Donald Trump in white house

On 23rd Jan he started his full week office by signing the executive order ending the U.S. participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership. After his return from the event, he saw the massive protest against his just one-day-old presidency. There were clips and footage of the crowd present in his first day at the white house. There were photos being tweeted comparing the crowd in his inauguration with the size of the crowd at Obama’s Inauguration in 2009.

Donald Trump in white house

On his first day, Trump the first thing he did was vowed to make the relationship between US and Uk even closer as said by his His press secretary Sean Spice.
He had a great conversation with the Prime Minister and is looking forward to meeting her on Friday. Theresa will become the first foreign leader who will meet Trump, the new president.

Donald Trump in white house

Trump signed three major executive orders on first day which are:

1.Issuing a hiring freeze on the federal Government, with an exception for the military.

2.Remove the US from the TransPacific Partnership trade deal.

3.An action limiting government funding for foreign organizations which provide abortions for females.

4.He vowed to cut the business regulation by 75 percent as they were out of control and had to be controlled. 


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