16 Times People Asked The Korean Photoshop Masters For Help And Regretted It!


Well, all of us want a good profile picture or a picture for the Instagram. But we don’t always get what we want, do we? So, thank God we have Photoshop. People who know how to work with it, they are the real geniuses. But for people like me, who don’t really know how the Photoshop works, we rely on the Masters. Now, speaking of masters, heaven forbid if you need help of the Korean Photoshop masters. Why do I say so? See for yourself!

Here are 16 people who asked the Korean Photoshop masters for help and regretted it

1. This guy here asked them to remove the couple behind him and make the skies clear so the cherries could bloom. Well, they are blooming now!

never ask the Korean photoshop masters for help


2. He wanted to cut his face for a profile pic without the waitress in the background. They thought he meant literally “cut” his face.

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3. All he wanted was a pic to look more real. I’m not sure they understood “real”.

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4. Well, he wanted a pretty girl standing beside him. And now he does have one!

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5. She wanted the cheese to look better. Though the cheese does look better, I can’t say the same for her!

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6. He wanted his face to brighten up, now he has his wish fulfilled.

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