Know These 10 Signs Showing You Are Washing Your Hair All Wrong!


Every one of us wants to make our hair look as much good, shining and soft as they can. And also in addition to which we want it to be strong as well, which can make it possible for trying any kind of style that we want to. Correct? But there are some of those times when no matter what we try with our hair washing, it always ends up in making our hair go weak.

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Well, no one wants that to happen to their head! None of us! So, what can actually be done in here? There are many of those different shampoos in the market nowadays which claims about getting best of the results out by making head look and feel best. But not all of them works that better, or maybe there is more of the things which people need to know here.

1. Keep it slow: People generally make this mistake of scrubbing their head really hard while washing. But, it is important in here to notice that this is not good for their head as well as their head’s health, and so one should treat quite gently while bathing their head.

Wrong hair washing

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2. No, not too much: It is quite common for one to think that using a good shampoo in excess can bring good health to hair. But this isn’t a thing; using anything in excess always turns out to prove out as bad. And so, one should only go for using something in much lesser an amount as they can.

Wrong hair washing

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3. Proper wash: Sometimes being in hurry or maybe when one doesn’t really care, they do not wash their head properly which obviously leads over to make head remain dirty. And, well that’s not good! One should take proper care while washing their head and do it in a clean way.

Wrong hair washing

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4. Towel Drying: This is time to make that big no no sign ready for drying your hair using a towel, as this can lead over to frizziness which is not at all healthy for hair. So, avoiding the use of towel, one can go for using some t-shirt or anything.

Wrong hair washing

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